Dare You Fight? W.E.B. Du Bois in The Crisis

This anthology, available at www.dareyoufight.org is an ongoing effort to make available a selection of works by W.E.B. Du Bois that appeared in The Crisis, the official journal of the NAACP. Du Bois founded the journal in 1910 and regularly contributed editorials and occasional articles between 1910 and 1934 when he left the NAACP over conflicting views on segregated institutions.

In addition to his many other commitments during this period, his writing for The Crisis was prolific, frequently writing multiple items for each of the 286 issues he edited. The content of his pieces varied widely, from short items recognizing developments at Black colleges or Y.W.C.A chapters, to fiery denunciations of Southern Jim Crow laws, to long essays on the relationship between capitalism and racism. This volume attempts to represent the full diversity of his writing during this period, particularly those pieces that engage in analysis.

So far over 300 articles have been processed, with hundreds more to come. By making these texts freely available online, this digital archive will be a valuable resource for scholars seeking to understand Du Bois, the NAACP, and the origins of the civil rights movement in early 20th century America.

Neal Caren
Neal Caren
Associate Professor of Sociology

My research interests include social movements, protest events, web scraping, and text analysis.