Recent Presentations

(2024). Parasocial Paternalism and Embodied Advice Among TikTok Cosmetic Interventionists. UNC-CH Celebration of Undergraduate Research, Chapel Hill, NC.


(2024). Reflections on Generative AI and Social Movements Research. The Data Pulse of Social Change Social Movements Research in the Computational Era. CBSM Onnline Symposium..

(2023). "She's Plastic, Would Still Smash:" Morally-Motivated Surveillance and Authenticity Online . American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Philadephia, PA.

(2023). Tactical Tension: The Consequences of Protest Actions for Social Movement Coalitions. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Philadephia, PA.

(2023). Insert Quote Here: Perceived Effectiveness of Social Movement Activists. Collective Behavior & Social Movement Workshop: Movements at the Forefront of Contemporary Politics.